Understanding Loot Luck

Loot luck in New World determines how likely you are to find rare items. Armor, rings, amulets, earrings, trophies, bags, and pearls can increase your loot luck. Weapons and shields can not roll with the Luck perk. There are no food or potion consumables that add to loot luck. The maximum bonus to loot luck is 39.3%.

The exact way the bonus loot luck functions at this point is unknown. The frequency of drops and the quality of the drops you receive, ie the rarity of the items, are potentially both improved by loot luck.

When building out a luck set of gear for farming legendary items, you will want armor pieces with a Luck perk roll as well as a socket. The socket can then have a pearl inserted to add even more loot luck bonus. Pearls can be found by salvaging Clams and Oysters, which are gathered from fishing. There are four tiers of pearls:

The Luck perk can be added to gear with the crafting modifier called Chunk of Adderstone.

You can own a maximum of three houses in New World. In each house you can have a Loot Luck Trophy. There are three tiers of Loot Luck Trophies:

Maximum Loot Luck

Armor PieceLuck PerkLuck From PearlsTotal Luck Bonus
Voidbent Helm2.8%0.5%3.3%
Voidbent Breastplate2.8%0.5%3.3%
Voidbent Gauntlets2.8%0.5%3.3%
Voidbent Legguards2.8%0.5%3.3%
Voidbent Sabatons2.8%0.5%3.3%
3x Bags8.4%8.4%
3x Major Loot Luck Trophy4.5%4.5%

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